Opioid-Abatement Toolkit

Opioid-Abatement Toolkit

Communiversity Developed and Tested

Test Your Opioid Knowledge

Fight opioids in your community— check your readiness with this test.

We are not faceless people but your neighbors. We care about you and our community. We designed this test to cover the high points in this opioid- abatement presentation. We want to know if you have learned some of the key parts. We hope so.

Some questions may not apply to you. Please skip them, but continue with the rest. The goal is to get at least 70% of the answers correct.

See which of the questions you did not get right. Review the answers to the sections about that. Then, retake the test and see if you do better. After you take the test, send us the result on the test, and if you have achieved a score of 70 percent or more, we will give you access to Community Change Agent Certificate that shows you have achieved mastery of the Communiversity Opioid-Abatement Project.

Use your knowledge with your family and community. Let’s now work together to lower the number of deaths from opioids.

Community Change Agent Quiz

Learning Modules